Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Graham, NC, resident lists benefits of #publictransit

Times-News: "Most of us could benefit from public transit if only we thought a little more like young professionals. How much money could you save each year by riding public transit and not owning a car or using it less? When public transit is utilized, we can be more productive working or communicating without the distraction of driving.
How can Graham benefit from public transit? Opening the opportunity for low cost transportation for all citizens of Graham in and about the city and the broader area, attracting young professionals and others to live here, attracting industry that requires public transit, to bring more retail and restaurant customers to Graham, greater opportunity for Graham residents to obtain education, more flexibility to commute to work and other opportunities. It’s time for change.
I know the value of public transportation. I depended upon Burlington public transit for transportation to work and school for education many years ago. Thank you Burlington for public transit then that was so beneficial to me and for opening to others now the same opportunities."

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